Yearly Archives: 2013

What about the empty AA Batteries in our homes?

I was shoked at the number of AA batteries that we had to buy for the few new toys we bought this year. I tried to get some toys that did not require batteries, because I think the ones that do not require batteries are more fun for kids. We did end up getting her three things that take AA batteries, and one of them took seven of them. I could not believe it. We bought a package of batteries for all three toys, but my husband had to go back to the store at the last minute to get more. Seven batteries in one toy is just ridiculous if you ask me, and it’s not like it did anything miraculous either. Continue reading

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Edible Wild Plants, Wild Grasses

I have been foraging and learning about wild edibles for several years now and focusing on the plants available to me in the Utah desert primarily simply because that is where I live and I enjoy finding edibility in an apparent hostile environment. While out looking for the wild edibles I have learned how to step carefully to avoid getting my socks full of those prickly irritating pieces of grass. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. The grasses get dry and then you end up with all the sharp seeds in your socks as you walk through them. What I wasn’t thinking about for the longest time is the edibility of these annoying seeds. All grass seed is edible and it is abundant in the west utah desert. There are many varieties and some are easier than others to collect mostly because of the size of the seed. Continue reading

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Biosphere Technology – The Green Solution of the Future

Biosphere technology is the solution of tomorrow made available today. It involves cutting edge gasification processes to convert solid wastes into electric power. It is futuristic in the sense that it can exceed the efficiency of current brown energy sources while at the same time also surpassing the ecological friendliness of today’s green energy sources. It is like next generation energy source that has combined the desirable traits of both brown and green technologies while leaving behind the unwanted ones. Continue reading

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Help for green shoppers

EU-wide standards for environmental claims would increase trust in the growing market for green products and allow shoppers to make informed choices.
A growing number of shoppers would like to buy environmentally friendly products but find it difficult to make informed choices. Continue reading

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