Seven Shocking Ways To Save Money By Saving Electricity

By Richard Lynch

Running a home today is a big job, and in most households in extra $40 or $50 a month to make a real difference in the quality of life for the family. We’ll here are some practical ways that you can possibly save that much off your electric bill.

This first one was a big eye-opener for me,

1. Service your air-conditioning unit.

Having your central heating, cleaned and inspected yearly is a very good idea.

There are coils on the inside of a central air-conditioning unit that the air flows through to be heated or cooled and circulated back into the house. When these coils become clogged with dust, dirt, and mold, an accumulation of this restricts the air flow which makes the unit less effective and the motors in the unit work harder and longer, because of the restricted airflow.
So keep your central unit clean inside and out, it can make a dramatic difference in the efficiency and the cost of your heating and cooling.

2. Tighten it Up

There are many areas of your house, especially around windows and doors that allow too much conditioned air to escape.
I saw a neat door boot on TV that fits both sides of the door for the bottom of it for a quick and simple fix to stop drafts in that area. Check the seal between the window frame and the house if is not tight enough use some caulk to seal the cracks.

3. New Siding and Windows

If your windows are very old, replacing them with modern insulated windows can make an huge difference. The initial investment is large, but the added comfort and large savings in energy is usually worth it. Siding is also helpful, especially when used with an insulating barrier between it and the house. I plan to do my windows and siding as soon as possible.

4. Hot Water

Your hot water heater is an energy guzzler. You can lower the temperature of your hot water to save energy and still have water that is plenty hot enough for everything you need at the tap. I have the water at my wheel store turned down all the way so that I can use hot water only, and still have my hands under the water. You will probably have to experiment with your house, where people are taking showers and such, but it is an easy adjustment, so you can get yours set like you want it. To adjust the temperature of your heater, First, turn off the power to it. Then look on the side of the hot water heater, There are usually two removable panels. Remove the panels, and underneath, you will see a dial that you can turn with a screwdriver to adjust the temperature of the water heater, you want to adjust both dials to the same setting. Start by turning it down 10° and going through your normal routine, if it is not made an undesirable impact, repeat the process until you reach the level that is just hot enough for your needs. Another point about your water heater is that although it is insulated additional insulation can help conserve energy.

5. Flip the Switch

Turn off lights, and all that other stuff when we’re not using it. Turn off the lights when you leave the room, even if you think you’re coming right back will make a difference in your bill. Putting a power strip and surge protector on your electronics can be switched off to prevent power drain when not in use as well as protecting your expensive electronic equipment from electrical surges.

6. Replace it Instead of Fixing It

Older appliances generally consume more electricity. So if your washer or dryer or dishwasher or some other appliance breaks down, you may want to consider replacing it with a more efficient model instead of repairing it.

7. Conservation through High technology

And I want to round out this list with another discovery that I made, it is a new technology put out by Xedia called the X-Power Energy Saver. They say you can save up to 25% off your electric bill by plugging it in. It is a small cylindrical capacitor that you plug into an outlet in your home that tunes your electricity to make it more efficient. The items such as fans and other inductive loads on your system use much less electricity, as well as operate cooler and have a longer life if this unit is on the same phase with them. I can’t say that I am an expert on how it works, But I have seen it demonstrated that it does work, and it comes with a six-month moneyback guarantee.

Do your part to conserve power by using less electricity in your home and enjoy the benefits of more money now and a cleaner, healthier, environment for our posterity.

About the Author: Richard Lynch, Christian husband of Grace Lynch, parents of seven wonderful children, endeavoring to share a mindset of abundance and a heartset of conservation. Visit my blog at For many more ways to design your life and conserve energy.

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