Daily Archives: 01/10/2010

Greenpeace Ranks IT Companies

Every company is claiming to be green in some way or another these days. For someone not versed in green matters, or even for many of us who think we are versed in it but actually may not be (at least on some issues), identifying who is truly green and who is not can be really difficult (or inaccurate). Continue reading

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Eco-Friendly Office

Looking to save some green while going green? Start with your workspace. Follow these 9 expert tips from Natural Health magazine’s interview with the founders of OrganicWorks Marketing and green living author Danny Seo to quickly and painlessly make your office more environmentally friendly.Looking to save some green while going green? Start with your workspace. Follow these 9 expert tips from Natural Health magazine’s interview with the founders of OrganicWorks Marketing and green living author Danny Seo to quickly and painlessly make your office more environmentally friendly. Continue reading

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The Future of Renewable Energy

If you think it’s all about solar and wind, think again.
Green’s all the rage these days, but as the market gets flooded with everything from hybrid cars to reusable shopping bags (even Subway is hawking them now), the ability to do something truly innovative will be paramount. Here are five companies that are leading the charge to recycle the green movement’s relevancy. Continue reading

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The Future of US Wind Power

It’s amazing to think that wind power could actually be on the decline when the alternative energy sector seems to be just taking off in the United States. Wind power generation broke records in 2009 with 9.8 GW of new installation; however, this expansion of growth is slowing down dramatically as favorable sites are already taken and energy consumption has dropped in the US creating less demand. Continue reading

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