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Yearly Archives: 2010
How Solar Energy Works
The need for an alternative source of energy was never as important for mankind as it is today. Fossil fuels, which are being used since thousands of years, are about to get exhausted. More importantly, they are contributing to various hazards on the planet, prominent ones being global warming and pollution. In such a scenario, searching for an alternative source of energy, which is a clean, efficient and renewable energy, has become the utmost priority for mankind. One such source of energy is solar energy. Before we move on to how solar energy works, we need to know what is solar energy and whether it’s the right alternative source of power. Continue reading
Organic lifestyle: Ten Steps to Becoming Organically Conscious
In recent years, a number of important research studies have demonstrated the health benefits that can be derived from following an organic recipe and from eating organic food and using organic food supplements. Chances are that you have at least heard about some of these studies and that you at least have some basic information about the benefits of organic food. Continue reading
Solar Energy & the Environment
Using solar energy produces no air or water pollution and no greenhouse gases, but does have some indirect impacts on the environment. For example, there are some toxic materials and chemicals, and various solvents and alcohols that are used in the manufacturing process of photovoltaic cells (PV), which convert sunlight into electricity. Small amounts of these waste materials are produced. Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, Innovations & Technology
Tagged Energy, Environment, Solar
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Six Steps To Make Your Website More Eco Friendly
The internet is increasingly a part of everyday life. I’m guessing you agree if you’re here reading this right now.
And given the choice, most people would tell you that reading something online is greener than buying a book or magazine with the same information. After all, you’re saving all that paper, all that ink, the potential recycling of that product, the physical shipping it has gone through and so on.
Yet the internet itself uses a lot of energy. The servers that power the internet are always turned on, 24 hours a day. They use huge amounts of electricity to run and also need to be housed in temperature-controlled buildings they get so hot. Even a simple Google search uses a considerable amount of power. Continue reading
Posted in Advices, Innovations & Technology
Tagged eco, eco friendly, green energy, Internet, website
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