Monthly Archives: December 2013

Seven Shocking Ways To Save Money By Saving Electricity

Running a home today is a big job, and in most households in extra $40 or $50 a month to make a real difference in the quality of life for the family. We’ll here are some practical ways that you can possibly save that much off your electric bill. This first one was a big eye-opener for me,

1. Service your air-conditioning unit.
Having your central heating, cleaned and inspected yearly is a very good idea.
There are coils on the inside of a central air-conditioning unit that the air flows through to be heated or cooled and circulated back into the house. When these coils become clogged with dust, dirt, and mold, an accumulation of this restricts the air flow which makes the unit less effective and the motors in the unit work harder and longer, because of the restricted airflow. Continue reading

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