Monthly Archives: September 2013

Beginning Recycling at Home

Every year, tons of material that could be recycled aren’t, and end up clogging our already overwhelmed dumps, waterways and roadsides. Most people think it’s a difficult undertaking to organize a recycling center at home. However, with some creativity and commitment, it can be easy to do. You’ll feel better about yourself doing your part to care for the environment as a result, too. Continue reading

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9 Gold Advices for Green Office

We all understand that “going green” is essentially about protecting the environment and sustaining its natural resources–but it’s also for the business.
“An office that encourages green practices tends to attract talented employees who want to work at a place that cares about their well-being,” Maer Ditrich, an German HRM manager says. “Plus, you or your employer saves money when you use less paper or your turn off the lights; and that money can be put back in to their operation.” Continue reading

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