9 Gold Advices for Green Office

med_eh_save-energy_249x267We all understand that “going green” is essentially about protecting the environment and sustaining its natural resources–but it’s also good for the business.

“An office that encourages green practices tends to attract talented employees who want to work at a place that cares about their well-being,” Maer Ditrich says. “Plus, you or your employer saves money when you use less paper or your turn off the lights; and that money can be put back in to their operation.”

The idea of sustaining the planet—or your employer—might sound like a large undertaking, but it turns out there are plenty of little things you can do in the office that will make a big difference. Here are 10 tips we aware of on how to save energy and resources, and create a greener work environment, but we do not apply regularly.

Flip the switch: When possible, use natural sunlight and always turn off the lights when you leave an office or conference room.

Mugs the word: Bring in your own ceramic coffee mug or tea cup from home. Just think of the paper you’ll save each day.

Think before you print: Do you really need printouts for your meeting? Send out PDF copies beforehand so people can read off their laptops. Then project your presentation.

Share a ride: It’s time to rethink travel. When traveling in a group, share a cab or rental car. You’ll save on travel expenses and help Mother Earth, too.

Bring a flower: Brighten up your office space with flowers, which absorb indoor pollution and made our days better.

Water bottles vs. bottled water: “We have seen a big increase in people bringing their own water bottles to the office, which is something we encourage,” Russell says.

Toss those paper towels: Switch to cloth napkins and towels in the kitchen area of your office—and use hand dryers in the bathroom.

Do not forget to switch off your PC at the end of the working day: If you’ll be away from your computer for an extended period of time, just turn it off!

Go digital: Reading paper newspapers and magazines is so last century. Join the digital age and read online.


If you apply the mentioned above advices you will not only keep the office green, but you will save a lot of money too!!! Try them!

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