Samsung, can you hear us?

Samsung, can you hear us?

Over the past week we’ve watched as thousands of people around the world joined our urgent call for Samsung to come up with a concrete plan to reuse or recycle 4.3 million Galaxy Note7s.

From Hong Kong to Washington DC, you called Samsung’s customer support number to ask exactly whether or not the devices will be disposed of environmentally; you tweeted #GalaxyNote7, which turned into a trending topic in Mexico and took the message directly to their HQ; and most of all you put pressure on Samsung to do the right thing!

Greenpeace activists hold signs reading "Samsung = Broken Promises” in front of the Samsung Benelux headquarters. The peaceful protest is challenging the company for breaking its promises to eliminate key toxic substances from its products. (2010)Greenpeace activists hold signs reading “Samsung = Broken Promises” in front of the Samsung Benelux headquarters. The peaceful protest is challenging the company for breaking its promises to eliminate key toxic substances from its products. (2010)

Thank you for calling Samsung

People around the world picked up their phones and called Samsung directly to ask: “What’s the plan?” Hundreds of people from Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mexico, the US, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, Colombia and more took the power in their hands and asked for an answer.

The answer? Well, we heard responses like:

  • “We don’t have that information”
  • “Samsung will destroy these phones.”
  • ”I’m sure they will recycle them.”
  • “Samsung definitely does not recycle, ever….”

Disassembly of a Samsung Note Galaxy 7Disassembly of a Samsung Note Galaxy 7

Paying a visit…

Recently, our Greenpeace Korea colleagues took the message directly to Samsung’s headquarters, calling on CEO Kwon Oh-hyun to show real leadership and rethink how they design their products and reuse the precious materials that go into making them.

Tweeting to #SaveTheGalaxy

Meanwhile thousands of cyberactivists joined a 24-hour global tweetstorm to keep up the pressure and call on Samsung to #SaveTheGalaxy. Thanks to your actions, in Mexico we made #GalaxyNote7 a trending topic, whilst people were tweeting from every corner of the globe!

Thanks to you we are sure that Samsung has heard our message loud and clear! Now it’s time for the tech giant to get its story straight and give us an answer – the right answer for our planet.

How can I be part of the solution?

Robin Perkins is the Detox Programme Leader​​ at Greenpeace México 

Source: Green peace

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