Author Archives: admin

Solar pannel from plants. Is it possible?

In a mashup of biology and electronics, researchers said they’ve made progress in making low-cost solar cell from plants.
A paper published in Scientific Reports describes an improved method for making electricity-producing “biophotovoltaics” without the sophisticated laboratory equipment previously needed. Researchers said custom-designed chemicals could be mixed with green plants, even grass clippings, to create a photovoltaic material by harnessing photosynthesis. Continue reading

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Is an Electric Car Really Greener than Gas?

Electric cars are nothing new. They were invented, and in use in the early 20th century. Now, they are being touted as the answer to the pollution caused by their gasoline powered brothers. Granted, there are no emissions from an electric vehicle, but does that fact alone make it the green transportation choice?
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EU, US lock horns on Europe airline emissions charges

(BRUSSELS) – Europe and the United States headed for confrontation Wednesday after the EU won key legal backing for its proposal to slap carbon emissions charges on all airlines in its airspace from January 1.

The European Union’s top court threw out a bid by US and Canadian airlines to block the introduction of the scheme in a ruling that was warmly welcomed by the bloc but triggered an angry response from Washington. Continue reading

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The future of nuclear power takes another punch

In 2009, multinational financial services corporation Citigroup called nuclear power – with its skyrocketing costs, disastrous economics and dependence on public bailouts – a “corporate killer”. Now, in 2011, are we witnessing the slow death of one of the world’s largest nuclear companies? Continue reading

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